Some Charcoal/ Graphite Studies and Finished Pieces
Charcoal is a very timid medium that can be used hundreds of different ways. I have only only tried a few techniques, but i feel like using charcoal has given me a firm grasp on organizing values, and getting proportions right away.
3 hour charcoal study from my first semester figure drawing class
Drapery study from my first semester analysis of form class
Charcoal portrait of Steve Carell
Detail of charcoal still life
Full charcoal still life
B&W charcoal master copy
vine charcoal in class study of a bust
My final from my charcoal figure drawing class
In class study from live model
detail in progress of pelvis in graphite
Here's a little more of the spine done on the full torso
Full torso done in graphite
detail of skull from graphite torso study
The Mad Hatter in B&W charcoal on toned paper
detail of hair on The Mad Hatter
in class study from live model
graphite and charcoal foot study from live model
Another graphite and charcoal study from live model
B&W charcoal study from live model on blue toned paper
charcoal hand study
Detail of White and Sepia charcoal on tan toned paper
Full in class study of live model in white and sepia charcoal
charcoal and graphite portrait study of live model
vine and charcoal pencil portrait study from live model
Charcoal study of Jeff Bridges from True Grit
Vine charcoal portrait study from live model
vine charcoal portrait study from live model